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Rolfing® Structural Integration with Janu Vanier

New York City | Los Angeles
Who is Janu Vanier?

Rated one of the top healers in New York City for over a decade, Janu Vanier holds over 10,000 hours of hands-on healing experience treating clients in the Five Boroughs, and more than 3,000 hours of training in Integrative Manual and Movement Therapies, including certification from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration® in Boulder, Colorado. Possessing a background of dedicated training in Dance and Martial Arts that spans over 20 years, Janu holds a perspective capable of seeing outcomes and achieving results for his clients that other practitioners may not be able to identify or accomplish.

Understanding Rolfing® Structural Integration?

Named after its founder, Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Rolfing Structural Integration is a form of bodywork that reorganizes the connective tissues called fascia.

Foundations of Rolfing® by DR. Ida P. Rolf?

 More than fifty years ago, Dr. Rolf recognized that the body is inherently a system of seamless networks of tissues rather than a collection of separate parts. These connective tissues surround, support, and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. Rolfing Structural Integration works on this web-like complex of connective tissues to release, realign, and balance the whole body, thus potentially resolving discomfort, reducing compensations, and alleviating pain. Rolfing SI aims to restore flexibility, revitalize your energy, and leave you feeling more comfortable in your body.

Rolfing® Benefits and Application.

Essentially, the Rolfing process enables the body to regain the natural integrity of its form, thus enhancing postural efficiency and your freedom of movement.

Janu Vanier's Journey in Rolfing Therapy

Before becoming a Rolfer™ I suffered from severe chronic pain for many years. My left hip was constantly throbbing with nerve pain running down my left leg, my right ankle was sore from always compensating for the left leg, my shoulders were constantly hunched up towards my ears and I had carpal tunnel in both wrists from typing all day. To make things worse, I was about 25 pounds overweight and in poor cardiovascular health for my age. Sitting at a computer 5 days a week was clearly taking its toll on my body. I was trapped in my own body and I didn’t know what to do about it, until I found Rolfing.

Overcoming Chronic Pain Through Rolfing

After receiving the “Ten Series” of Rolfing over a period of ten weeks I was a completely transformed. Not only did I experience a total elimination of my pain symptoms, but it was accompanied by a huge increase in mental clarity and body awareness that led to more self confidence and overall enjoyment of everyday life.

Fast forward to today, I’ve gained almost an inch in height from the length Rolfing created in my spine, and I’ve lost over 25 pounds as a result of my new found love and ability to exercise without pain or the limitations of a stiff body.

So, why I am a Rolfer?

I simply couldn’t find a better way to contribute to this world than helping others find similar possibilities of transformation in their own lives.

– Janu Vanier


What Janu Vanier's Clients are saying.
Client testimonials.
Janu’s work is so incredible. I truly enjoyed his session and will be back again. 10 out of 10, would recommend.
Wow! I am so grateful to have found Janu. I had done a lot of research prior to choosing him and it absolutely panned out. I am about half-way through my ten sessions. My posture has shifted and my awareness of my body has changed immensely since working with Janu. I hadn’t done Rolfing before and he has been very attentive – answering my never-ending barrage of questions thoroughly and even sending additional links and helpful information when relevant. Janu is extremely knowledgable about his craft and intuitive as well. He provides a very clean and comfortable, safe environment for the sessions – I have only ever felt at ease in the room (or as much ease as one can feel when someone is lengthening never-before-touched facia deep within your body). But seriously, Janu is incredibly mindful and attentive in his work. I have often left sessions feeling like I am in a whole new vessel walking on clouds – and have felt some emotional shifts after sessions also. It’s interesting that I can observe the work even between sessions. I’m excited to see what more my body reveals to me as we continue the sessions. I 100% recommend trying Rolfing with Janu. Amazing.
As a Structural Integrator with 20 years of cultivation, I am careful who I receive work from. Janu is one of two Rolfers in NYC that I feel lucky to have as a resource. His cultivation, skill, and attentiveness are first rate. Beyond this, the care that he gives to each session is powerful. Janu is a very gifted practitioner. JD.
Janu is the first Rolfer I ever experienced and the body worker that I first learned the craft from many years ago. He is intuitive, intensely connected and has a true passion for what he does. It’s a true collaborative body work practice that leaves you feeling grounded and lifted at the same time. He works with multiple modalities and will communicate with you to find the right integrative method for you and your body.
Prior to working with Janu, often I would need as many as five chiropractic visits or two trips to the massage therapist in any given week… very expensive and ultimately futile as the relief from pain usually did not last more than a day or two, at most.

I’m almost through the 10-series with Janu; (2 sessions to go) and my personal experience  with him continues to be as close to miraculous as anything could possibly be.  I  am now extraordinarily and gratefully pain free.  Put another way… I’ve gotten my life back. Janu’s approach is thoughtful, calming, focused and caring.  In addition to rolfing, in my case, he has also suggested simple exercises and techniques to improve posture, alleviate any muscle tension and increase energy flow.  To anyone looking for a structure integration practitioner, all I can say is:  look no further.

-Cheryl Fallick

Janu is one of the best bodyworkers I’ve found. As a teacher of Yoga and Martial Arts, and experienced Bodyworker myself, I’m very picky as to what kind of work I have done and by whom.  Janu is one of the most intuitive and effective bodyworkers I’ve ever had treat me, and has been able to help me through general structural integration and even work through significant injury.

-Derek Cook